
la ciudadanía en Bolivia

Las teorías de Luis Tapia y Álvaro García Linera

Ciudadanía Multisocietal en Luis Tapia

Tapia piensa a la ciudadanía en una forma dinámica, como un proceso de síntesis histórica. El trata de problematizar el concepto como la condensación de luchas y derechos que fueron proyectados históricamente. Este es el punto de partida de su análisis.

El autor inicia polemizando con el esquema de ciudadanía de T.H. Marshall, afirmando que en Bolivia no existieron derechos políticos que precedían a los derechos sociales, sino derechos políticos conquistados por la ampliación en los controles materiales de la vida, a decir: la nacionalización de los recursos naturales para la democratización política y la conquista de derechos dentro del Estado. Estas prácticas históricas son los primeros advenimientos de la “nación” entendida no desde una matriz cultural identitaria, sino más bien, desde la democratización soberana de los recursos naturales.

Lo novedoso del enfoque de Tapia es pensar la “nación” como horizonte de expansión y conquista de derechos. Para problematizar la nación realiza un análisis de “la condición multisocietal”, entendida esta como la confluencia de múltiples civilizaciones en un solo territorio. Cada civilización posee una concepción particular del tiempo, del espacio, de la organización económica y de la política en general. En este sentido, Tapia quiere entender la nación como un proyecto colectivo en reacción y defensa de lo “común” (nuevamente la defensa de los recursos naturales). La defensa de los recursos naturales es una forma de imaginar, irradiar e institucionalizar derechos y democratizar a la sociedad civil. En otras palabras, en esta definición de nación, lo nacional funciona como un núcleo irradiador por donde las distintas matrices civilizatorias confluyen.

El proyecto multicultural de ciudadanía gira en torno a una igualación de criterios y núcleos normativos que rigen la construcción de derechos de una comunidad. El cometido de Tapia es problematizar en contra de una concepción monocultural de derechos que se encuentra recogida en las estructuras del Estado republicano y dentro de la declaración universal de derechos humanos. Con esto pretende romper con el reconocimiento jurídico/institucional de otras matrices civilizatorias, desde la historia y cultura de la civilización dominante. Para ello adapta el concepto de “comunidad de derechos” entendida como los fines y valores compartidos entre múltiples matrices civilizatorias de un mismo territorio. La normativa debe ampliarse y actualizarse a modo que las costumbres e historias confluyan en un escenario multicultural en convivencia por un núcleo común que las una. El autor enfatiza la ausencia de este núcleo común en momentos de institucionalización de la comunidad de derechos. Al no poderse solucionar este problema político, se utiliza la comunidad de derechos vigente en la declaración universal de derechos humanos.

Tapia fundamenta lo anterior desde la “transcrítica” entendida como un arduo proceso de conocimiento de otras matrices culturales, donde no se valorice los criterios de uno ni de otro. Nuevamente aquí piensa la igualación negando el reconocimiento al individuo e intenta pensar el reconocimiento desde la matriz cultural de cada sociedad. Intenta pensar la ciudadanía desde el autogobierno de otras civilizaciones que no son las dominantes.

Su reflexión comienza a cuestionar el contenido de la ciudadanía en Bolivia, viéndolo como un entramado entre Estado y pertenencia en condiciones multisocietales. Lo que hace es reconocer la matriz comunitaria y liberal como formas muy distintas de entender los derechos y deberes. Seguidamente enfatiza que en el Estado republicano hay una supeditación de los derechos y deberes de una matriz civilizatoria sobre otra. Su solución será pensar la ciudadanía como cogobierno multicultural, es decir igualdad política e igualdad de derechos. Con esto se refiere a una colectivización de la tierra y el conjunto de los recursos naturales, es decir, tener un derecho a la propiedad colectiva en el territorio y en los recursos del país. Esto implica un acceso a la propiedad común intercultural por usufructo y contribución a los bienes sociales. Para que este derecho de propiedad colectiva se respete de deben establecer vetos de dos tipos: El de cada pueblo sobre las decisiones que el resto del país tomaría y que podrían inmiscuir al territorio y población particular, y a la inversa en el caso de que un pueblo tome una decisión que afecte al resto de los pueblos o a la nación en particular.

Finalmente, su proyecto de ciudadanía multicultural tiene como objetivo cambiar al gobierno en su totalidad.  Primeramente, sugiere ciertos cambios en el ejecutivo, estos cambios implican un cambio a un ejecutivo colegiado/colectivo que incluya a diferentes culturas que, según plazos de tiempos establecidos, haya una rotación de los cargos. A continuación, considera fundamental el plantear nuevos criterios de representación no electorales. Los nuevos criterios consistirían en ir escalando de lo micro a lo macro, en otras palabras, que la responsabilidad y los resultados de una gestión en una junta vecinal, por ejemplo, sirva como criterio meritocrático para el ascenso a una instancia mayor del Estado. Esto iría enlazado a un criterio de rotación en absolutamente todos los cargos para evitar la perpetuación y oligarquización de la elite de turno. De esta manera, el ciudadano ya no es visto como competidor, sino como un cogobernante. En cuanto al legislativo se haría una selección aleatoria de las representaciones legislativas y judiciales combinado con el criterio meritocrático micro/macro explicado anteriormente. En este nuevo diseño del Estado todos los cargos se ocupan por una sola vez y el monitoreo de este último criterio debería ser tarea exclusiva de la corte electoral.

Ciudadanía multicultural/multinacional en Álvaro García Linera

Álvaro García Linera hace un análisis de la ciudadanía desde una postura sociológica que pretende criticar las estructuras simbólicas que permiten el acceso al espacio público en Bolivia. En su entender, el ser ciudadano no solo se reduce al reconocimiento institucional o jurídico, sino que también hay un componente con las formas por las que se accede al espacio público. Según el, Bolivia está atravesada por estructuras simbólicas que se fueron construyendo en forma de “capital étnico”, restringiendo así, el acceso a una variedad de actores sociales al espacio público. Los tipos de exclusión se dan por la construcción de la “blanquitud” como capital,

en oposición a lo indígena, lo plebeyo, lo popular. Así es como se configura ciudadanías jerarquizadas por una restricción al participar en los espacios de deliberación, discusión, etc.

Para el autor el acceso al espacio público es un problema central, pero que no puede reducirse a una asignación o lucha por reconocimiento de derechos civiles. El trata de pensarlo más desde la transversalidad del capital étnico en todo el cuerpo social. Esta contradicción resulta el problema estructural de la sociedad boliviana.

La distribución y capitalización simbólica de la “blanquitud” y los distintos capitales étnicos son representados en el Estado y el conjunto de la sociedad. Históricamente el Estado ha ido mutando e incorporando mayores derechos y reconocimientos (derechos sociales, participación popular, etc.) en gran medida por las movilizaciones sociales de mitad y finales del siglo XX. Sin embargo, persisten sus raíces coloniales que incluye un conjunto de prácticas que excluyen a todo lo que no esté dentro de la matriz monocultural y monolingüe del Estado. El autor caracteriza al Estado como una identidad excluyente que no es expresión o síntesis de la sociedad.

Basado en una interpretación de Zavaleta sobre los múltiples regímenes civilizatorios en Bolivia, García Linera plantea una reforma institucional del Estado. Su proyecto es el de un Estado multinacional/multicivilizatorio donde se establezca una “la ciudadanía en Bolivia diferenciada“ que permita el desarrollo y consolidación de Estados autónomos dentro del Estado multinacional. Lo que pretende con esto, es consolidar el autogobierno de los distintos regímenes civilizatorios dentro del territorio boliviano. Así mismo, plantea la posibilidad de una autonomía especial Aymara en concordancia con una reforma de la burocracia del Estado. Las autonomías y el Estado Boliviano podrían entenderse de acuerdo a los principios de una “democracia consociacional” para la convergencia y armonía de las nuevas entidades descentralizadas. Finalmente, García Linera incorpora las prácticas comunitarias al Estado, a las instituciones representativas y a la burocracia en general. En base a estas reformas de amplio alcance, el autor pretende democratizar el acceso al espacio público y desmonopolizar al capital étnico en sus componentes de exclusión racial/clasista. En este sentido, las reformas del Estado irían acompañadas de una obligatoriedad en el aprendizaje de un idioma autóctono si es que se quiere ingresar a la burocracia estatal.

Fuente: Diego Otero / Las discusiones sobre la ciudadanía en Bolivia

Cargo Consolidation

Cargo Consolidation or consolidation services refer to a cargo shipping method in which a logistics company to combine several individual consignments to make up one shipment. This arrangement allows the goods to be shipped at cheaper rates and offers greater security.

At destination, the consolidated shipment is separated back into the original individual consignments for delivery to their respective consignees.

If you are in the market for shipping consolidation services, International 3PL has the right solutions. When we consolidate (or repack) your parcels, we take the content of the packages and put it in a single box that is as small and safe as possible.

cargo consolidation

In general, it makes sense to have the goods delivered to your international destination in a box that is as small as possible.

In the USA, freight charges are reasonable. Therefore, goods are shipped in boxes that are sometimes twice or three times bigger than the content they carry inside.

When it comes to international shipments, however, the shipping charges are calculated by the weight, actual or dimensional – whichever is greater (the chargeable weight).
For example: the actual weight of a package is 15KG and the dimensional weight is 25KG the chargeable weight will be 25KG. To learn more about how the dimensional weight is calculated.

In a nutshell: The smaller the box, the closer the actual weight is to the dimensional weight and the cheaper the shipping charges will be.

Why Cargo Consolidation Saves You Money:

  • Carriers charge more for the first pound or kilo. When you ship packages separately, you will pay for this fee twice.
  • Websites use large boxes with lots of packaging material.
  • We carefully re-package your items, removing the extra packaging material so your box is as small and light as possible.
  • Even if the website ships to your country, we still save you money when you are buying from multiple stores.


Shipping Consolidation Services in a nutshell

When we see your repack request, we retrieve your packages and double-check that we have the correct ones.

All outside boxes are removed, we only keep the retail packaging. That might significantly lower the postage (package becomes smaller and lighter).

After this, we put the goods in a box that is as small as possible. All Packages are tagged and prepared for shipment. We make it easy.

Shipping Consolidations Services companies are becoming more in demand used by small and large companies to ship packages internationally.

Reduce your local delivery costs dramatically with our freight consolidation services.

Because many of our consumer goods customers ship to the same retailer distribution centers, we can combine your freight with other companies to deliver to the same consignees in full truckload shipments. You pay only for the portion of the load your product represents.

In addition to trucking consolidation, our freight services allow for consolidated air freight and ocean freight. When shipping internationally, you can avoid higher costs associated with air and ocean transportation by combining your freight with other shipments. The best solution for foreign moves, let us handle all the complicated logistics associated with international freight forwarding

For Cargo consolidation services, contact us: 305-915-8024.

International Freight consolidators

International Freight consolidators can help you combine shipments with the same destination (or in close proximity) to help you get an edge over competitors, reduce your per-unit shipping costs and improve delivery times. That is why it is important for your freight forwarder to act as a hub of information for our clients, tracking every leg of the trip, and centralizing information and knowledge to optimize operations.

Many times you find yourself purchasing different products from different manufactures and trying to bring all into your distribution center. Most of the time, you will ship the different cargo separately which will end up costing more. To many importers it might seem like a difficult process however, in the hands of the right Logistics company, it most probably will be easy.

Using international freight consolidators make this process easy and saves money.

This what an international freight consolidators can do for you.

  • Contact your overseas vendors
  • Arrange to pick up the cargo from the different vendors.
  • Handle all the necessary paperwork.
  • Combine all Cargo into one shipment.
  • Make the booking with the airline or ocean shipping company
  • Ship the combined cargo to destination

When shipment arrives at you destination port, the International shipping company will arrange for customs clearance.

Deliver container to your warehouse or a third party warehouse

Some 3PL companies, will handle the distribution and delivery of your product to you customer

Sometimes your supply chain reaches so far, it’s beyond your control. That’s why hiring an International  freight Consolidator to handle even the toughest and most complicated situations will lead to success

As more more businesses are conducting business internationally, increasing and improving our international logistics is inevitably an ongoing strategic process.

What  customers appreciate most isn’t just getting the shipment delivered, it’s providing around-the-clock visibility to shipment status and documentation for all stakeholders.

Good International freight forwarders have strategic partnerships that provide availability to additional warehousing space around the globe. In conjunction with partners, 3PL Companies will locate available space that meets your needs from simple storage through extensive value-added services.


parcel shipping

Why Consider Parcel Shipping ?

Recently Many companies have adopted parcel shipping as a method of delivery of their products rather than using freight shipping via LTL.


Can your company combine a group of similar packages and ship them to distribution centers where they can be broken down and delivered as individual parcel shipments? Or do you have a limited amount of shipments that leave your facility on a weekly or daily basis?


Another item that needs to be taken into consideration is accessibility. Parcel carriers will offer direct door-to-door delivery that LTL carriers frequently cannot. Is your recipient located on the 13th floor of an office building with no service elevator? If so, you may see an extra fee on your carrier invoice to accommodate your physical and operational needs.  Parcel carriers, however, generally have a more flexible schedule and can offer services such as Saturday express and overnight delivery. Parcel carriers are also more likely to deliver to residential addresses, whereas LTL carriers generally prefer to ship to loading docks.


In most cases, parcel carriers have the capability of guaranteeing delivery by a certain time and day. Many companies and individuals find this useful for time sensitive documents such as bid proposals and contracts. When you want items on site at a specific time and location, parcel carriers have the direct advantage to meet your needs.  Their reliability, over time, has proven to be more consistent compared to the LTL industry.


Parcel carriers instituted online shipment tracking, many LTL carriers adopting it later. Both types of carriers offer services that enable users to track shipments online, including an estimated time of arrival and live updates throughout the delivery process. Many shippers provide instant proof of delivery and signature confirmation.



Ultimately, your shipping strategy should be the one that best meets the needs of your company and customers. Even the best product in the world will lose favor with your customers if it is not delivered safely and on time. For overall customer service, parcel carriers typically have the flexibility that meets customers’ needs, but LTL carriers are not far behind. Regardless of your selected service type, be sure to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each option, and their suitability to your current and future business objectives.

International parcel shipping has been on the rise too, many Miami freight forwarders are engaging in parcel shipping to customers in the Caribbean and south America. It has become a major source of income for many

Online Parcel Shipping Companies are on the rise due to the need of fast reliable delivery of important packages, International 3PL has several facilities specializing in Parcel and small package shipping services across the globe.
Some of parcel shipping companies also offer distribution services and pick and pack servcies

Bolivia Solar Energy Investments

The world’s largest vertically integrated photovoltaic manufacturer, has supplied over 5 megawatts of solar panels for Bolivia’s first solar power plant. The plant is expected to deliver clean energy to over 49,000 people. Bolivia Solar Energy Investments continue to rise in order to provide a cleaner source of Energy.
Bolivia Solar Power Plants are expected to increase in number.

As Bolivia’s first and largest solar power plant, the 5 MW system is expected to deliver clean energy to more than 49,000 people. It occupies 15 hectares (Ha) of land near the remote city of Cobija in the state of Pando, which has relied on diesel power generation because it is not connected to Bolivia’s national utility grid. EGSA (Empresa Electrica de Guaracachi S.A), a subsidiary of ENDE (Empresa Nacional de Electricidad), carried out preliminary studies and basic engineering for the project.

The new solar power system incorporates both battery storage and diesel generation to ensure continuous access to electricity. It is expected to generate 7,500 megawatt-hours (MWh) of clean power each year, meeting approximately 50% of regional demand. The power plant will offset more than 1.9 million liters of diesel fuel, which will result in significant energy cost savings for the Bolivian government.


Protrac is a Wholesale and Distribution ERP Software with integrated Accounting and Inventory Management for. Protrac provides integrated Accounting Software, CRM, Order Entry, Purchasing and Inventory Management Software to small and medium sized businesses, mainly wholesalers & distributors. Discover the ERP systems being used by today’s successful wholesale distributors.

Meet customer and vendor needs with Protrac’s wholesale distribution software. Protrac Software hepls you improve your distribution business from demand planning and CRM to inventory and supply chain management. Protrac is a comprehensive collection of tightly integrated business functionality specifically designed for wholesale distributors.

Distribution Software by Protrac is a comprehensive collection of tightly integrated business functionality specifically designed for wholesale distributors. Protrac helps distributors to focus their efforts on providing added-value to their customers by lowering costs, increasing productivity, and optimizing the daily operating processes.

Protrac gives you control of your wholesale distribution business through real-time dashboards to improve ordering and invoicing, better manage inventory, and efficiently deliver customer service. Our wholesale distribution software gives you the control you need.

Distribution Software


Full web integration
Send invoices or purchase orders via email
Free upgrades to future releases
Advanced lookup
Windows technology
UPS interface
Electronic forms
Email Electronic form
Specialized for Distribution industry
E-commerce compatible
AP document scanning and retrieval
Signature capture
Bar coding
Work orders
Rebate tracking and reporting
Electronic price updates
Accounts receivables
Accounts payable
General ledger
Order entry
Point of sale

Quartz countertops are manufactured, the color and pattern possibilities are limitless which including varieties that are almost identical to granite or marble.

One of the largest benefits of quartz surfaces is that they are stain- and heat-resistant, making them easy to maintain. The non-porous quality of quartz also makes it highly resistant to mold and bacteria contamination.

Quartz Countertops

Quartz is often considered as an alternative to granite, quartz surfaces are a popular choice for kitchen countertops. More durable and long-lasting than granite, quartz is one of the hardest materials in the world, making it a viable choice for a kitchen countertop.

With low maintenance, high durability and endless color choices, Quartz Surfaces offer a tempting alternative to natural stone countertops.

Quartz Countertops are more durable than granite countertops, easier to care for, and safest for food prep.

Best Prices on Miami Travertine Tile and Pavers

Floor Giant continues to be the leader in innovation and in offering more flooring products.
Floor Giant has been an continues to be the premier Miami Travertine Dealer. Our purchasing power gives us the ability to offer a large variety of travertine flooring products at incredible prices.

Travertine Flooring products are  a great flooring choice for your Home. It is one of the most durable flooring options on the market. It adds style and warmth to any home.

Miami Travertine

It is available in different styles, sizes and finishes. It can be used anywhere in the home.
Travertine Flooring tiles  are used for indoor such as floors and walls. Pavers are used for outdoors such as driveways, pool decks, patio areas etc.
It is a natural stone such as Marble, Limestone, Slate etc.  Floor Giant makes it easy for you to get the best Flooring styles at the best price. Our network includes many reputable  Flooring companies that will provide you with excellent service.

Travertine flooring should be your choice for your next project.

We ship anywhere in the U.S. and south America. Contact Miami shipping company at 305-915-8024

Importing and exporting are key components for many lucrative businesses.
International shipping could present great business opportunities for you, but may also seem daunting. A good freight forwarding service can save you time and potential headaches while providing reliable transportation of products at competitive rates.

Freight Forwarding

The process, paperwork, and regulations involved in international trade may seem intimidating. However, you can be a successful international shipper without getting caught up in the logistics of logistics.

International 3PL offers simple and straight forward Freight Forwarding Services. Our relationship with the major shipping companies puts in a position to offer the best Ocean and air freight services both import and Export.
We are experts in this part of the overall supply chain.  Our Freight forwarding services are designed to provide you with the best overall results and the best rates.

When working with International 3pl, you will find that working with a freight forwarder partner who also provides 3PL services is a beneficial way to manage transportation needs.

Some of our solutions:

Over-sized, hazardous cargo, project cargo

  • Air express and charter services
  • Dry and temperature controlled transportation
  • Door to Door services
  • Security areas for high cargo value
  • EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
  • Tracking & Tracing
  • Worldwide cross trade
  • Bonded facilities. Project forwarding
  • In house customs broker

Bolivia forums is proud to introduce High Quality, water and Chemical resistant Kitchen Cabinets.
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Ready to ship.
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Boliva Exports is specialized in shipping containers, loose cargo, air fright to Bolivia at the best rates. WE also ship cars, heavy machinery and personal effects.
We also offer consolidation and distribution services.
No job is too small or too large for us.
It does not matter where you are shipping from, we can take care of it. Leave the hard work to us.
We can also help you export from Bolivia to anywhere in the world. Best rates and service.
WE have affiliate offices in over 100 countries to meet your shipping services Bolivia.

Wines of BoliviaBolivia is home to some old vineyards at altitudes of more than 10,000 feet (reportedly the highest vineyards in the world). Initially, producers made wines with the Moscatel de Alejandría grape to distill into singani, Bolivia’s version of eau-de-vie. Today, they are increasingly growing international varieties but using the high altitudes to coax out new, marvelous expressions: white wines with a sweet, floral nose and very high acidity, and big, spicy reds with good structure but gentle tannins. However, approximately 99 percent of Bolivian wines stay in the country, and they are extremely hard to find in the United States. Here are a few of Gustu sommelier Jonas Andersen’s favorites.

NV Casa Grande, Osadia
One of Bolivia’s best female winemakers creates this sparkling wine, which Andersen compares to a French Billecart-Salmon.

2012 Ugni Blanc, Kohlberg
The French use this grape (also known as Trebbiano in Italy) to make cognac. But grown at high altitudes, it works as a single varietal. It’s reminiscent of a Puligny-Montrachet.

2003 Don Julio Gran Reserva Syrah, Kohlberg
Andersen pairs this spicy and bold Syrah with llama meat, but venison would be a good match as well.

Lake TiticacaLocated between Bolivia and Peru, Lake Titicaca is one of the most fascinating lakes in the world. It is situated at a very high altitude, at over 3800 meters above sea level


Why Visit Bolivia?

Let us discover this wonderful land together.

A country of great beauty, stunning landscapes, and unique attractions. A country with the highest capital city in the world, the largest salt flats in the world, mountains, jungles, lakes, and everything else in between.

Bolivia may not be the easiest place to travel in, may not have the warmest people, and may not have the best cuisine, but what it lacks in those departments it more than makes up for in others.

Bolivia stands out as a top notch travel destination for many reasons.  The main one being the diversity of the landscape.  No other country I’ve been on Earth has such a myriad of dazzling natural beauty that is so unique.

While the highlights of Bolivia are many, these five stuck out as must see, can’t miss places if visiting this beautiful, landlocked South American country.  These sites provide a great contrast of all there is to see in a country about three times the size of the state of Montana.

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